Monday, July 18, 2011

Does getting an interview mean the company is specifically interested in me ?

I went to Chick Fil A on Monday to do the group interview and fill out an application, but I was extremely nervous and when we were partnered up to interview the person they paretnered us up with I totally blanked out when they asked me about my partner. I forgot his name, but I did good on the part where I had to tell the lady interviewing the group about my partner, and most of the people wrote facts down. Anyways, I was really nervous, so that's why I didn't do too well and I told the lady why I messed up when I turned in my completed application and she was nice about it. I wasn't expecting a call because others did better than me, but then I got a call back a day later to schedule an interview and I was totally shocked. I was wondering, why would I be the one getting the call back ? I know some people who work there but still...can anyone help me ? What can I do at the interview to prove myself that I want to work there a lot, because I really do I just couldn't help that I was nervous during the group interview.

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