Saturday, July 16, 2011

My dog pisses me off.... CONSTANTLY?

I have an 11 month year old dog who was nice and great the first month we got her, but now is just a pain! I don't wanna get rid of her because I love having a dog and I actually feel as though we're realated. But, she irritates me like crazy! I can't do anything without having to worry about her! She's an indoor dog because we live in an apartment which means she uses a dog pad. She knows how to use the pad because she went through a time where she used it correctly. But she just feels that if she wants to crap on my floor, she can. I'm forced to mop up piss and crap every weekend off my floor! I can't trust her to stay inside during the day because of that. She has to stay on our balcony, I feel sorry for her, but she's too retarded to stay inside. She's disobidient and doesn't listen when she barks at people in the elevator, garage, lobby etc. and I tell her to stop. She acts like I'm not there. I'm not mean to her and I pay attention to her, and she would be a great dog if she knew how to use her pad and listen! She's currently locked in her crate because she left a HUGE turd on my floor, she's whining like she did nothing wrong. She just does not listen! What should I do?? And don't say give her away... Because that's not an option.

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